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Investment Tracking Summary Report
Investment Tracking Summary Report
Updated over 2 months ago

The Investment Tracking Summary Report helps you understand if you are on track to spend. Here we compare your committed dollars or POs, with what Actuals hit your books, and planned spend, to see if you are aligned to meet your investment target.

Do's: Use this module to adjust to track your investment.


Insights Explored

This module aggregates planned investment amounts from all Activity Plans within the Hierarchy and creates a benchmark for tracking against planned spend. The "On-track to Invest" metric combines all PO's and Actuals totals from past months, as well as the Committed and Occurred activities for the current month's Forecast columns to give you up to date summary of your current investment. This allows you to compare to date spend with planned spend and keep teams on track within 5% of the planned budget to prevent over or underspend throughout the year. Additionally, the spectrum graph provides a visual to keep you on target by visualizing the percentage of on-track spend is above or below planned spend.


Easily determine which Activity Plans are at risk of overspending or not utilizing their budgets with the "Who's off track?" summary. This chart displays the planned amount for each budget, the amount currently spent (from all POs, actuals and committed activities) and the remaining difference. This will help you determine where budget allocations can be made or additional campaign can be executed.

Note: Some Activity Plans may appear off target due to activities not being recognized until future months.


Where Does the Data Come From?

The Investment Tracking Summary shows total planned amounts and on track totals from all Activity Plans.

Required Features: Investment Targets, Plan, Forecast, PO and Actuals Columns

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