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Planned ROI Summary
Updated over 2 months ago

The Planned ROI Summary is used to predict the amount of pipeline that may be generated based on planned investments. Understanding how different Activity Plans contribute to the pipeline allows you to predict which budgets have both the strongest and weakest ROI contributions, allowing your marketing team to make changes to marketing activities for the greatest returns.


Insights Explored

Once ROI can be measured, marketers can begin to plan and execute activities that lead to the greatest revenue generation. With the ROI target set, this module visualized ROI target alignment and suggests increases to planned investment to increase alignment.

Note: ROI Target = Investment Targets + Return Targets.

Easily investigate which budgets are underperforming with regards to ROI and find ways to improve pipeline or reduce investment to increase your ROI.


Tip: ROI is a ratio therefore if Planned Investment increases, the Planned Pipeline must increase proportionally to avoid ROI decease.

Where Does the Data Come From?

The Planned ROI Summary relies on both Planned Investment and Planned Pipeline to be available.

Required Features: Activity Planning, Activity MQL planning, Impact Modeller

Optional: ROI Target (Investment Targets and Returns Targets)

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