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Importing Exchange Rate Overrides
Updated over 2 months ago

Exchange rates are typically produced from an external finance system in a spreadsheet format. Copying them into Allocadia by hand is tedious and error prone. The Import option allows Administrators to take the spreadsheet provided by finance and upload it quickly and efficiently into Allocadia

        1. On the Home Tab access the Master Settings

          Note: Only Owners and Admins assigned to the root folder are able to access the Master Settings

        2. Under the Template Set Up click on Currency

        3. Once on the Currency page scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Exchange Rates Overrides and click Import

        4. Find the Excel file you wish to upload. The system will automatically start the upload process once you select the file you wish to Import

          Note: To avoid errors, please note that file structure is important for the Import. Currencies must be listed in first column. Column names must be listed in first row, with cell intersections being the exchange rate for currency/column combo. Example:

        5. Check your currency exchange rate override and look for an [i]. This will indicate that the exchange rate has successfully been overridden.

          Note: During the Import any exchange rates that have been left blank in the spreadsheet will clear any previous overrides.

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