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Adjusting Views for Users
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Allocadia gives the marketer the opportunity to select the information displayed on their Activities grid, via Views. Views define which columns and performance metrics are visible on the Activities tab at one time providing Marketers with a focused view of their marketing spend. Views can help streamline Marketers experience by displaying relevant columns and metrics for a period, phase, or aspect of budgeting and planning.

To create Views:

  1. On the Home tab, click the Master/Custom Settings in line with the desired Folder or Sub-folder

  2. On the Settings page, navigate to the Views tab on the left-hand side under Template Setup

  3. On the Views tab, click on the Create New button if creating a new View from scratch.

    Tip: When creating a new View, an existing View can be duplicated to be used as the template. Click on the arrow next to the Create New button and select the Copy from this View option to duplicate any desired existing View

  4. Under View Options, type a unique name for the View

  5. Deselect View $0 rows if you wish the view to only include activities that have a dollar value reflected in the View. By default, the View $0 rows filter is selected showing every line item in the Activity Plan

    Note: Marketers can toggle the View $0 rows filter on and off within the Activity Grid if they wish to view all of the Line Items in their Activity Plan or only those Line Items that have a dollar value associated

To add columns to the Grid or Metrics Panel:

    1. Click on the Grid/Metrics Panel to set the columns and metrics in the view. If selected, there should be a purple line under Grid or Metrics Panel

    2. To add a column or field select the + button from the Available Columns

      Note: If a column has been added to the View a green checkmark will display next to the column name in the Available Columns section. A column/field cannot be added to the same View twice.

      Tip: To delete any columns from the grid, click the x to the right of the column name.

      Note: The Available Columns section will display all the columns or fields that were created on the grid in the Columns tab. To add new columns, navigate to the Columns tab on the left-hand side under Template Setup

    3. Click Save after creating or editing the Views

Note: It is important to hit Save as you finish otherwise all work will be lost!!

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