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Create and Manage Column Groups
Updated over 2 months ago

If you have a lot of columns (fields) displayed on the Details Panel, you can use Column Groups to organize them and make the Details Panel easier to navigate.

By default, all of the fields in the Details Panel are displayed under a single section called "Planning". With Column Groups, you can create additional expandable or collapsible sections of your own, and sort fields into them. Each section has its own customizable heading, and you can choose the order in which the sections are displayed:

Before You Begin

  • To create, edit, or remove Column Groups, you must have the Company Admin user role. This role is typically held by Owner users.

Create and Configure a Column Group

You can create Column Groups for both the entire hierarchy (in the master settings) or for only specific sub-folders (using custom settings).

To create and set up a new Column Group, follow these steps:

  1. In Allocadia, click Home.

  2. On the Home tab, click master settings on the top-level folder. The settings page opens.

    • Alternatively, to create a Column Group for just a particular sub-folder, click custom settings on the sub-folder.

  3. On the settings page, click Template Setup > Column Groups in the navigation menu. The Column Group options appear:

  4. Click Create New Column Group. The newly created group appears in the Column Group menu:

    Note: If there are already existing Column Groups, the new group will not be selected and displayed automatically after you click Create New Column Group.

    To configure a newly created group, click the Column Group menu to select it from the list. The new group will be called "New Group [Number]", where [Number] is the number of existing Column Groups plus 1 (e.g. "New Group 4" if there are already three groups).

  5. In the Name field, type in the name of the Column Group. This name will be displayed as the header for the Column Group's section in the Details Panel.

    • The name can be up to a maximum of 50 characters long.

  6. Choose whether you want the fields in the Column Group to be visible or hidden by default when the Details Panel is opened:

    • To show the fields in the section by default (section expanded), select the option Open by default.

    • To hide the fields in the section by default (section collapsed), clear the option Open by default.

  7. Click Save to save your changes.

  8. To create additional Column Groups, repeat steps 4-7.

You have successfully created Column Groups, and can now set up the columns (fields) in each Column Group.

Manage the Columns in a Column Group

After you have created a Column Group, you can add columns to it to display the corresponding fields within the Column Group's section in the Details Panel. You can also change the order of added columns, or remove them from the Column Group.


  • Any columns (fields) that you don't add to a Column Group will be shown in the default Planning section on the Details Panel, which is always displayed above all other Column Groups.

  • Any Column Group that does not contain any columns is automatically hidden from the Details Panel (including the Planning section, if all available columns have been added to Column Groups).

To add or remove columns in a Column Group, follow these steps:

  1. In Allocadia, go to the Home tab and click master settings.

    • If you want to add or remove columns on a Column Group created in custom settings, click on custom settings on the applicable sub-folder. The settings page opens.

  2. On the settings page, click Template Setup > Column Groups in the navigation menu. The Column Group options appear.

  3. Use the Column Group menu to select the Column Group that you want to add columns to or remove columns from.

  4. To add a column (field) to the selected Column Group, click

    Add column on that column in the Available Columns list on the left side.
    After you add a column, it appears in the Selected Columns list on the right side (and is also marked with a

    Selected badge in the Available Columns list):


    Note: The list of available columns consists of the columns that have been configured for use with the Details Panel. To make changes to this list, open the master settings (or custom settings), go to Template Setup > Columns, then select Details Panel in the Manage for: menu. For detailed instructions, see Creating Columns and Fields.

  5. The order of the columns in the Selected Columns list also determines the display order of these columns in the Details Panel. To change the display order of the columns, drag-and-drop columns in the Selected Columns list:

  6. To remove a column from the selected Column Group, click

    Remove column on that column in the Selected Columns list. The column is removed from the Selected Columns list, and is no longer marked with a

    Selected badge in the Available Columns list.

  7. When you are finished, click Save to save your changes.

    Note: If you have added columns to a Column Group that are already assigned to a different Column Group, you will see a notification indicating that the Column Group could not be updated after you click Save:

    To resolve this, first remove the listed columns from their current Column Group, then add them to the new Column Group again. Note that you will also have to redo any other changes you made to the Column Group (i.e. changing the name, column order, etc.).

You have successfully modified the selected columns in the Column Group. Your changes will take effect immediately in the Details Panel in the Activities tab:

Change The Display Order of Column Groups

Just like the display order of the columns within a Column Group, you can also change the display order of the Column Groups themselves within the Details Panel.

To change the display order of Column Groups in the Details Panel, follow these steps:

  1. In Allocadia, go to the Home tab and click master settings.

    • If you want to add or remove columns on a Column Group created in custom settings, click on custom settings on the applicable sub-folder. The settings page opens.

  2. On the settings page, click Template Setup > Column Groups in the navigation menu. The Column Group options appear.

  3. Click the Reorder Groups button. The Reorder Column Groups dialog appears:

  4. To change the display order of the Column Groups, drag-and-drop them into the order you want:

  5. When you have finished setting the display order, click Save to save your changes.

You have successfully changed the display order of your Column Groups. Your changes will take effect immediately in the Details Panel in the Activities tab:

Note: If the default Planning section is displayed on the Details Panel (because there are columns that are not assigned to any Column Group), this section is always displayed at the top. It is not possible to change where this section appears in the display order, and it is not shown when you are setting the display order of Column Groups.

Edit or Delete a Column Group

You can make changes to any existing Column Group at any time. If you no longer need a Column Group, you can also delete it.

To edit or delete a Column Group, follow these steps:

  1. In Allocadia, go to the Home tab and click master settings.

    • If you want to add or remove columns on a Column Group created in custom settings, click on custom settings on the applicable sub-folder. The settings page opens.

  2. On the settings page, click Template Setup > Column Groups in the navigation menu. The Column Group options appear.

  3. Use the Column Group menu to select the Column Group you want to edit or delete from the list.

  4. To edit the Column Group, change the Name or Open by default settings as needed, then click Save to save your changes.

  5. To delete the Column Group, click Delete:

    WARNING: The Column Group will be deleted immediately. This action can't be undone.
    The deleted Column Group is removed from the list in the Column Group menu. Any columns that were in the Column Group will be removed from the group automatically.

    Note: Any columns that are in a Column Group when it is deleted will be displayed in the default Planning section within the Details Panel unless you reassign them to another Column Group.

You have successfully edited or deleted a Column Group. Your changes will take effect immediately in the in the Details Panel in the Activities tab.

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