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Importing Spreadsheets
Updated over 2 months ago

Allocadia’s Import feature allows you to quickly and easily import your data without hours of manual entry. Importing Spreadsheets can assist in adjusting bulk amounts of marketing spend data for different Activity Plans, and associate corresponding marketing activities with their POs and/or Actuals.

  1. On the Home tab, click the Import button and click your desired selection

  2. On the Import page, select which Activity Plan you would like to Import into.

  3. Select the Browse button and upload your spreadsheet

    Note: You can also choose your Import Template, if pertinent

  4. Click the Map Fields button. On the Map Fields window, assign the columns in your spreadsheet to Invoice panel fields in Allocadia. If you do not want to import a specific column from your spreadsheet do not match it to an Invoice panel field in Allocadia. Click Merge Data when complete.

    Note: If you have not assigned a spreadsheet column to an Allocadia field, a notification will pop up advising you of unmapped fields. Click Cancel to review your mapping and click ok if you have to assign all the appropriate fields.

  5. On the Identify Duplicate Matching Fields page, select your options.

    Note: There are three options. These three options are as follows:

    - All spreadsheet fields: All columns on the spreadsheet will be used to identify duplicates.

    - Specific spreadsheet fields: Choose which fields will be used to identify duplicates. Choosing Specific spreadsheet fields allows the application to use one or more specific fields on the import spreadsheets in the matching process. When the Identify and Replace function is implemented you will be able to match one or more static fields and the unselected fields will be updated.

    - Allow duplicates: Disables the duplicate recognition function. We do not recommend allowing duplicates during PO import as each PO should be unique.

  6. Create your Mapping Rules and click the Import button.

    Note: Once you click Import the invoices will be mapped to the Activities, categories, line items as per your mapping rules. Mapping confirmation forces the user to confirm the mapping is correct before the Import goes through.

  7. Click the Import button and select Import.

    Note: If you want to save your import template, click Import and Save Template As

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