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Updated over 2 months ago




An expense that is recognized and recorded in the month when the obligation is incurred regardless of when it is paid out

Activities Tab

This is where the Marketing Activities are located, and where you will be managing your marketing spend, add your marketing activities, and track your ongoing expenses. This is the new title for what was known as the Budget tab

Activity Grid

The area of the Activity tab where Marketers input their marketing spend


The precise amount of money actually spent on a good or service, as recorded in your finance or ERP system. These amounts may or may not differ from the Plan amount

Actuals Panel

The area in Allocadia, accessed through the Details Panel, where all Actuals amounts are logged and stored against marketing activities

Analytics Tab (Insights Tab)

The location where data from the Home and Activities (formerly Budget) tabs are collected to create and display reports that answer business questions to make informed decisions


The person(s) in your organization who is able to assist in managing and configure settings and Activities within Allocadia

Allocadia ID

A unique identifier that is used to associate marketing activities to PO and Actuals during Import for ease in data entry


An accounting term used to describe a system of dividing expenses among business units, activities or groups


The process of spreading a payment over a period of time


An Allocadia feature where users are required to gain approval for spend associated with Activities from an Administrator


A piece of information that determines the properties of an object in Allocadia

Audit Trail

A record of every action that is performed by all users in Allocadia


Bottom of Funnel (BOFU)

These people have a greater likelihood to purchase our product

Bottom up Planning

The process of planning the specific Activities that the marketer will spend their allocated budget on

Brand Awareness

The limit to which customers recognize distinctive qualities or image of a particular company, separating us from the competition

Budget Tab (currently Activities Tab)

This is where the Marketing Activities are located, and where you will be managing your marketing spend, adding your Marketing Activities, and tracking your ongoing expenses

Business Intelligence (BI)

A technology-based process that consists of transforming raw data into meaningful information for business analysis.



A grouping of related Sub-Categories and Marketing Activities


Columns are used in the Activity Grid to display and organize specific types of information and capture data within the platform

Content Marketing

Strategic approach focused on constructing and distributing valuable and relevant content ultimately to yield profitable customer action

Cost Center

A department or business unit that is charged for accounting purposes, adding cost to the business potentially without yielding profit


A system of money or cash used by a particular country

Customer Marketing

Marketing activities and strategies are focused on using digital channels to build brand awareness and value for customers

Customer Relationship Management tool (CRM)

A system for managing client interactions, dealing with current and future clients

Custom Settings

An administrative area in Allocadia for managing custom attributes and setting specific to a localized group within the Hierarchy. Custom settings are only used in organizations who require specialized entry fields for certain business units or groups



A comprehensive reporting overview that shows insights in a particular area of your marketing spend data. Dashboards group related reports for easy viewing of relevant data

Demand Generation

The main goal of targeted marketing programs, aimed at energizing customers about a company's products and services


A relationship between two drop-down or multi-select lists that allows for tailored selection of information driven by inputs selected in the controlling field. For example, if objectives are specific to different global regions, dependencies can be created to aid in data entry by specifying objectives that appear when respective regions are selected

Details Panel

A side panel in Allocadia that stores the Allocadia ID and attributes related to Marketing Activities for reporting purposes. Attributes are dependent on business objectives, marketing team goals and information relevant to Marketing Activities

Digital Marketing

Using digital channels like mobile and internet devices to reach customers


In Insights (formerly Analytics), drill-downs allow you to gain deeper insights into specific reports by clicking into the report. Drilldowns are only configured for some reports in Allocadia

Drop-down List

A predefined list of options for users to select information from. Using pre-defined drop-down lists helps with data integrity in reporting

Duplicate Matching Rules

The process of identifying duplicate assets in POs or Actuals Import spreadsheets, allowing Allocadia to action what will occur when duplicates occur



Editors are the marketer users! Editor is a user role in Allocadia allowing team members to input Plans, Forecasts, and Mapping POs and Actuals

Editor (Data Entry Only)

A Data entry only Editor is a data entry user who only has access to add and edit values entries in the Plan, Forecast or Actuals columns within the workspace. They cannot add or remove Marketing Activities

Enterprise Resource Planning tool (ERP)

A system for managing financial information such as invoices and actual costs, typically owned by Finance

Email Marketing

Sending marketing material to a potential customer via email (avoiding spam)

Email Server Provider (ESP)

A system for email marketing or bulk email services


File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

A protocol that is used to transfer files between a computer on a network server and a client


A method of streamlining and narrowing your data in the Activity Grid so it is more targeted to the attributes you would like to view

Fixed Categories

Categories, defined by the Administrator, that are defined for the Activity Plan. Categories can not be added, edited or removed from within the Activities tab

Forecast Tags

A Tagging system in the Forecast column of Allocadia allowing users to manage their spend to date and filter based on Committed vs. available funds


Marketing model focused on the process potential customers go through to become an opportunity



A BI Tool integrated into Allocadia for Analytics reporting

General Ledger (GL)

A complete financial record of transactions within the business



The Hierarchy is the foundation of budgeting and planning within Allocadia. The Hierarchy is a level-based structure that consists of Folders, Sub-folders, and Activity Plans that allow for categorization of marketing spend and often reflects the marketing team's organizational structure

Home Tab

A summary of the various Activity Plans you have access to in Allocadia. For Administrators, the Home tab is the access point to Roll-up view, inviting and editing users to Activities, and Master Settings for configuration and management of Allocadia


Impact Modeller

A tool designed to help your marketers see how each planned Marketing Activity is expected to contribute to your companies revenue goals based on target lead volume, defined conversion rates and deal size

Influencer Marketing

Directs Marketing Activities towards people who are influential compared to a target market

Insights Tab (Analytics Tab)

The location where data from the Home and Activities (formerly Budget) tabs are collected to create and display reports that answer business questions to make informed decisions. This is the new title for what was the Analytics tab


Integrations or technical integrations connect systems or system components to enhance the functionality of using a single system alone. Allocadia integrates seamlessly with multiple other technical platforms for the purposes of integrating spend data and enhanced reporting activities


Journal Entry

Finance tracks marketing's expenses as they come in via journal entries. Journal entries are records of Actuals which can be imported into Allocadia to track Planned expenses verses Actual costs


Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A measure companies use to evaluate performance against business Objectives. Marketers look at KPIs to track progress toward marketing goals, and successful marketers constantly evaluate their performance and make adjustments to meet the companies needs



A potential customer who has shown interest in our product

Lead Scoring

An objective scoring system that ranks leads on their likelihood to convert immediately, compared to ones who need more attention, and which ones are highly unlikely to purchase our product

Left to Plan

The amount of allocated budget (i.e. Target) that is left to be planned. Target – Plan = Left to Plan

Left to Spend

The amount of allocated budget (i.e. Target) that is left to be spent. Target – Actuals = Left to Spend

Locked Plan Column

A locked Plan column is the ability for the Plan column to be read-only after the planning phase is complete, allowing the Plan to become a comparison point for working Forecasts and Actuals

Lost Closed

A lead that did not turn into a sale


Mapping Rules

Mapping rules are logic based rules that allow you to associate Allocadia fields to fields in your Import records to properly link PO or Actuals to Marketing Activities in Allocadia

Marketing Activity (Line Item)

The entry of activities in Allocadia is called a Line Item or Marketing Activity. Also referred to as a campaign or tactic. Names vary between organizations and marketing teams

Marketing Operations

Increases a company's efficiency, value and agility. Created due to increased pressure to prove the value of marketing

Marketing Performance Management (MPM)

The analysis and improvement of the effectiveness and efficacy of marketing

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

Marketing Qualified Leads are people interested in a companies product/services. Creating qualified leads is one of the objectives of marketers and tracking qualified leads created by activities is important to understanding marketing's impact

Master Settings

Global Setting for configuration and management of a fiscal year Hierarchy within Allocadia

Middle of Funnel (MOFU)

The company pursues people who have shown interest in their services

Multi-select List

A predefined list of options in a drop-down that a user can select multiple choices from. These selections can be weighted if options don't have an equal valuation


Number Format

The number format effects what symbols are used in the decimal place and in separating groups of thousands and can be edited in the user profile


Opportunity (Opp)

A lead that is likely to convert to a sale


The Owner is the master account holder for Allocadia responsible for managing the account and Hierarchy configuration

Outbound Actions

Outbound actions allow a user to push out key information from their budget via an email URL. For external systems with the ability to accept emails, records can be created automatically, or for systems where URL pass-throughs are accepted, this data can be prepopulated in a form


Partner Generated Lead

A lead sourced out by partners and transferred to Sales

Partner Marketing

Supporting customers with sufficient materials to sell our software

Performance Insights

Cards at the top of the Activity Grid or Activity Plan in Allocadia that allow you to gain insight on predefined metrics such as FY Left to Spend, or other variance info for enhanced planning, as well as insights on Impact Modeller or Strategic Alignment numbers if configured


Total dollar value of chances for Sales to close


A lump sum amount assigned to an Activity such as a trade show where specific activities may not yet be known


The initial estimate of your Marketing Activities. An investment plan is the set of bottom up activities and costs which marketers across the organization put together in order to meet their investment targets

PO Panel

The area in Allocadia, access through the Details Panel, where all PO amounts are logged and stores against Marketing Activities

Product Marketing

Establishing a sturdy go-to-market strategy for a product

Profit Center

A department that directly yields a profit


Potential buyer

Purchase Order (PO)

Contracted Purchase amount associated with a Marketing Activity

Purchase Requests

A request for purchase of good or services generally to the procurement team



A 3 month period on a financial/fiscal calendar. Allocadia allows users to track and/or view their spend quarterly to align with their companies reporting financial reporting

Qualified Lead

The increasing probability of a lead becoming a customer, compared to other leads



Data-driven analysis of a specified area of Allocadia allowing user to make informed spend decisions

Return on Investment (ROI)

A measure of performance used to determine and evaluate the value and efficiency of an investment


An aggregate total

Roll-up Panel

A configurable pop-up window on the Home tab that contains fields that are specific to each Folder, Sub-folder and Activity Plan in the marketing organization structure such as budget allocation (aka. Target)

Roll-up View

A quick glance summary of the Budgets within the Folder or Sub-folder. (Only accessible at a Folder or Sub-folder level on the Home tab)


Sales Accepted Lead

A marketing qualified lead that has been looked over and passed down to the sales team to achieve a won closed

Scenario Tags

A feature in Allocadia that allows for scenario based planning, allowing users to view budget totals that may account for overages or underages in budget allocation.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

An application or service that enables users to access multiple applications through one set of login credentials


A feature that allows Administrators to copy totals in any numerical entry column in Allocadia for benchmarking and comparison purposes

Split PO

A purchase order that is split between multiple Marketing Activities

Strategic Alignment

An Allocadia feature gives Marketers the visibility to align marketing plans to organizational strategic objectives

Strategic Planning

The process of defining the corporate marketing strategic objectives based on past performance and future goals, and allocating budget to achieve the desired strategy

Strategic Targets

Strategic targets are a way for CMOs and field marketers to connect their marketing plans to their organization’s strategic Objectives and help identify how strategic planning contributes to the business by tracking marketing activities against strategic objectives in Allocadia


A sub-grouping of related marketing activities



The investment target is a top-down number generally set by either the CMO or finance/corporate; it reflects the organization’s strategic priorities

Teleprospecting Accepted Lead (TAL)

Intermediary between sales and marketing, who specifically accepts or denies automated qualified leads by calling potential buyers

Teleprospecting Generated Lead (TGL)

Additional leads found through outbound teleprospecting, whether it be by direct calling or referrals from marketing analysis

Teleprospecting Qualified Lead (TQL)

Potential buyers not counted towards behaviour can be sent through telequalification

Top-down Allocation

Allocation of marketing spend by the finance team or c-suite which is further divided within each team

Top-down Attribute Workflow

A method of inputting marketing details at a Category or Sub-category (parent) level. The details are inherited by the Sub-categories and Marketing Activities (child)

Top of Funnel (TOFU)

Refers to campaigns and activities that people engaged with through our demand generation content

True Forecast

The true Forecast is a calculated figure that merges past Actuals and future plans to give marketing leaders a true Forecast of what they’re on track to spend in the coming weeks and months


User Roles

Allocadia has various User Roles with different amounts of access such as what Activity Plans a user can see or what changes can be made to Marketing Activities. Default roles are Owner, Admin, Editor, Data Entry Only, and Viewer. Custom roles can also be created to fit users needs



An Activities page layout that contains columns for budget management. In Allocadia, Views help streamline data entry and optimize your use of the Activities tab


A read-only user role in Allocadia. Perfect for the CMO or users who only need to consumer reports and data in Allocadia but don't need access for planning, execution or data entry


Won Closed

A lead that converted into a sale

Workflow Form

A pop-up form that guides users to enter detailed attribute data directly upon entering Marketing Activities for streamlined input


The Activities Grid in Allocadia, where all Marketing Activities are entered on the Activities tab



The ability of a business to achieve the best results in the most economic way. Allocadia being one of many essential tools to help marketers make their businesses run as efficiently as possible


Year over Year Reporting

Year over Year reporting gives marketers the ability to compare results over multiple years and learn from what is working and what could be improved. Allocadia allows information from multiple years to be stored for this analysis


Zero Dollar View

A view in the Activities tab that is automatically selected and shows fields with no dollar amounts set. Deselecting will hide all rows where no dollar amount has been set

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