Creating Custom Dashboard Views in Insights


Custom Dashboard Views allow you to easily define the info you are looking for or use most frequently in the Insights  dashboards by saving filtered information as a view.

By default, Dashboards are unfiltered and display current and previous fiscal year information. Views are defined by selecting a set of filters for a specific Dashboard. This can be used to break out FY data and allow users to view year specific information in contrast to seeing all years amalgamated together.

Steps to Select a Saved View

  1. On the Insights Dashboard, click the downwards arrow in the top right-hand corner beside the view name to open the drop-down list
  2. Choose the View that you would like to apply to the Dashboard

Creating Saved Views

  1. On the Insights tab, select the desired Dashboard
  2. Filter content as needed using the Filter drop-down lists
  3. On the top right-hand corner, click the downwards arrow beside Unsaved View and select Save View from the drop-down list
  4. Enter name in the pop-up text box and select which filters to include as needed

Steps to Remove or Rename Views

  1. Select the downwards arrow in the top right-hand corner beside the View name to select the View and open the drop-down list
  2. Choose your desired View
  3. Select the downwards arrow beside the View you want to rename/delete and choose the corresponding option
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