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Password Security: Dictionary Check
Updated over 2 months ago

Allocadia’s Dictionary Check options let Administrators prevent users from selecting words found in a dictionary as their password. This allows for increased security by requiring the user to choose a password that cannot be easily guessed, decreasing the probability for others to guess their password and potentially access sensitive data.

Best Practice: You can toggle the Dictionary Check option off, but for security purposes, we recommend you enable it to prevent users from selecting common passwords.

  1. Click into your name's drop down menu at the top right of the screen and select the Organization Settings.

  2. Select Security in the drop-down menu to navigate to the Security page

  3. On the Security page, toggle the Dictionary Checkbox on

Tip: If your users are struggling to come up with an appropriate password and Dictionary Check is turned on, recommend they use common letter substitutions such as $ for s and 3 for E, or other numbers and symbols.

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