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Audit Trail
Updated over 2 months ago

The Audit Trail automatically tracks every action that occurs in the Allocadia Hierarchy. It enables marketers to view a historical log of who did what and when. If a change was made in your Activity Plan by another user, you can easily view who made the change. This increases individual accountability and provides visibility into every user's actions at both the Hierarchy and Activity Plan level.

Tip: To export the Audit Trail list click the Roll-up Panel icon. The Audit Trail list will be exported as a .csv file. Please note that the export has a limit of 2000 entries.

Accessing the Audit Trail on the Home Tab:

  1. On the Home tab, click on the Roll-up panel icon in line with the desired Folder, Sub-folder, or Activity Plan

    Note: If you access the Audit Trail at the Folder or Sub-folder level you will see all actions for the entire instance and can filter to show actions within a specified Sub-folder. If you access the Audit Trail for an Activity Plan, you will only see the actions that occurred relating to that specific plan.

  2. On the Roll-up side panel, click on the


    Audit Trail icon

Accessing the Audit Trail via the Activities tab:

  1. On the Activities tab, click on the Details panel icon in line with the desired marketing activity

    Note: If you access the Audit Trail at the Category or Sub-category level you will see all actions for that Category or Sub-category and anything belonging to it.

  2. On the side panel, click on the Audit Trail icon

Filtering the Audit Trail

On the Audit Trail tab, you will see the action time, the user who completed the action, where the action took place, the area of the Activities tab that the action occurred, and the action details. You have several options to change how the Audit Trail is organized:

  • Click on the header to sort the column in ascending/descending order

  • Filter the Audit Trail to show actions completed in an allotted amount of time by clicking the Time drop-down menu and selecting the appropriate time period

  • View the actions completed by a specified user by typing the user's email address into the User text box

  • Filter the Audit trail to display actions completed in a specified area of the Activities tab

  • Check This folder only checkbox (only applicable for folders) if you would like to see actions that have occurred in the particular sub-folder

Click the Search button to apply the filters to the Audit Trail list. The list will be refreshed with the filters applied.

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