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Planning & Strategic Alignment
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Strategic Alignment planning module focuses on visualizing planned spend allocated to each area of alignment, allowing you to see if you are aligned to target in each strategic area of focus.

Understanding how to navigate Strategic Alignment is important for evaluating how in line your organization is with all of their Objectives.


Insights Explored

The graph shows planned spend (green bars) in comparison to the target spend for each Objective selected, and used in the Strategic Alignment feature, shown by the grey line. As well, it features a calculated over or under percentage to provide a concrete understanding of how aligned overall Plans are to Strategic Alignment goals.


If you find you're off the mark and not aligned, indicated by percentages in red (over 10% variance) or yellow (between 5-10% variance), you can further investigate and determine which Activity Plans and Line Items are contributing to the discrepancy, simply by clicking the Objective you are interested in investigating.


Objectives that are within 5% of planned target will be categorized as "aligned."


Where Does the Data Come From?

Required Fields: Plan columns, Targets, Strategic Investment Target by Objective Interlock Budget.

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