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Setting Strategic Alignment Targets
Updated over a week ago

When your marketing plan is aligned with company-wide priorities, you will only invest in campaigns that will make the right kind of impact on your business. Allocadia’s Strategic Alignment feature provides Marketers with the visibility they need to align their plans with company objectives. It helps to empower your organization to work together to achieve common goals.

Focusing on the right kind of activities will help the entire organization to build momentum where it needs to; you will be part of a collective force working together to achieve a clearly understood common goal.

Allocadia’s Strategic Alignment feature requires you to define organization-wide strategic targets.

  1. On the Home tab, click on the Master Settings hyperlink in the Settings column in line with your Root Folder

    Note: If you do not see the Master Settings hyperlink you may not have the required level of permissions. Contact your System Administrator for assistance.

  2. On the left-hand menu bar select Strategic Targets under the Strategic Planning header. You will see a list of existing strategic targets

  3. Click the + New Strategic Target button to open a New Strategic Target pop up window

  4. In the Input By drop-down select the Details panel field containing attributes that identify the strategic target; For example – Marketing Objective or Target Audience

    Note: If you do not have fields that identify Strategic Targets you will first need to create them.

  5. Click on the Target Name field and input a descriptive title for the Strategic Target. Be aware there can be multiple strategic targets so each title should clearly differentiate between the targets

  6. In the Allocations drop down you will see a list of the Input By field drop down options. Set an allocation percentage for each option you wish to include in the target. If you do not want an option from the drop-down to be included in the target (i.e. overhead, payroll, supplies, etc.) deselect the checkbox next to the option. Ensure the percentages add up to 100% and click Save

  7. In the Default to Target vs drop-down field select the measurable column on the Activity Grid that will be used to provide values for the “Target vs Plan” calculations on the Strategic Alignment widget. During the planning phase, we recommend selecting Fiscal Year Plan when comparing the entire year

  8. Select the Activities you wish to configure this target for in the Alignment Module Visibility list

  9. Click Save to finalize your selection

    Next Steps: Once you have set up a Strategic Target, marketers will be able to see the Strategic Alignment widget within their Activity Plans.

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