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Managing Lists
Updated over 2 months ago

A drop-down list is a predefined list of options that users can choose from. In Allocadia, a drop-down list helps track attributes for your marketing spend data. When creating a list, or throughout the fiscal year, you have to manage drop-down list’s fields and add new options or edit them depending on how your activities are shaping up.

Note: This description is also applicable to managing fields on a multi-select list.

Prerequisite: You have created a column or field of type Drop-down list or Multi-select list. The field or column is opened for editing in the settings, see Editing Columns and Fields.

  1. On the Field Details panel, click the Edit Options hyperlink in line with the Type field.
    The Edit Options dialog is displayed.
    These are your possibilities:

    • Adding an option: Type the name of your new field in the text box and click Add.

    • Adding options by importing: Click Import button. Copy and paste a list of values to import. Each value should be on a new line.

      Tip: When importing, Allocadia will filter out exact duplicate options. Check for close but not exact duplicates.

    • Editing an option: Double-click the entry in the list and change its name.

    • Enabling/Disabling an option: Hover the option and check/uncheck the checkbox at its right end. Disabled options are marked as archived for users.

    • Deleting an option: Hover the option and click the red X. When an option is deleted, the field is reset at the activities for which the option was selected. Consider disabling instead.

    • Sorting the list: Click the Sort ascending/descending buttons at the bottom of the dialog for automized sorting. For manual sorting, hover an option on its left end, until the moving cross is displayed. Drag and drop the option to its new position.

  2. When you have finished editing, click the X in the upper right corner to close the dialog.

  3. If you want users to be able to edit the list entries, for example to add newly required options, select the Editable Options checkbox.
    Be aware that this can be critical, especially for lists on which your reporting is based. Talk to your Allocadia Consultant about possible implications. Inform users how to edit the lists and set rules for editing the lists if needed.

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