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How to Edit a Dependency
Updated over 2 months ago

Dependencies simplify the selection of attributes by removing the need to filter through multiple irrelevant options when attributing your marketing spend. If a Dependency needs adjusting to be relevant to your data, you can edit it to fit your needs.

  1. On the Home tab, click the Master Settings hyperlink in the Edit Settings column

    Note: Dependencies can be defined at the Sub-folder level of the Hierarchy using Custom Settings.

  2. Navigate to the Dependencies tab in the Template Setup section on the left.

  3. Click on the Dependency you would like to edit

  4. On the Edit Dependency window, click the Controlling Field for each option in the controlling field to select the allowed dependent options from the Dependent Field.

    Best Practice: Often editing the dependencies is the second step in the process of making a dependent change in Allocadia. It's important to remember to populate or edit the drop down or multi-select lists in the Column Settings area first before dependencies are edited.

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